Curtis, Dudley
07001 [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 10. (-3010) (SyncFolder)

Hi, am trying out demo version with an access database. I have successfully used the sample access dbase included with the demo.

However, unable to import contacts from own database - get error listed above.

Have followed this forum and changed all field names to CAPS. Is there a limit on the number of characters in the field name - some are a bit long, and also hyphens (-) in some field names.

GeniusConnect documentation search (User Manual Downloads...)
Hi, you don't have to change column names to Caps.Column length limit depends on database, but yes, there is a limit.

Since version GeniusConnect is using
ANSI quoted identifiers:
SQL statements are generated using ANSI quoted identifiers.
Column/Table/View names with, for example space characters or reserved keywords, can be used.

When erros occurs, are you loading or storing items? if storing, please check also your SQL Statement for key generation.
(Mandatory keys button in Assign table dialog)
Curtis, Dudley
Hi, thanks for your reply. The problem comes when attempting to load items into Outlook from database for the first time.

Please check your table and columns, it is impossible to find the problem without exact table lay-out.