GeniusConnect stores attachments in same format like Outlook/MAPI, we do not change binary attachment value (exact copy of Outlook/MAPI).
Help topic: Item attachments 

The info about attachment binary image is stored in multiple columns, and the way how to view it in "Attachment method".

Available attachment columns:

Attachment binary
Contains binary attachment data

Attachment content id
Embedded HTML Body image content identification header (only used with *HTMLBody)

Attachment content location
Embedded HTML Body image content identification header (only used with *HTMLBody)

Attachment filename
Attachment base filename and extension, excluding path

Attachment full path and filename
Attachment fully qualified path and filename

Attachment long filename
Attachment long filename and extension, excluding path.

Attachment method
Constant representing the way the contents of an attachment can be accessed.

1=Attachment binary contains the attachment data by value
2=full path and filename contains a fully qualified path identifying the attachment to recipients with access to a common file server 
3=full path and filename contains a fully qualified path identifying the attachment 
4=Same as 3 but the messaging system never resolves the reference(link only)
5=Attachment binary is an embedded message
6=Attachment binary is an embedded OLE object

Attachment mime tag
Formatting information about a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) attachment. The composition of the string is defined in the RFC 1521 document. The format is type/subtype, such as application/binary or text/plain

Attachment number
MUST BE LINKED TO A TABLE COLUMN! Contains a number that uniquely identifies the attachment within its parent message.

Attachment rendering position
Offset, in characters, to use in rendering an attachment within the main message text.
All values other than 1 indicate the position within *HTMLBody at which the attachment is to be rendered.
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