I have SQL server database of events and need to populate that info in oulook calendar.
So. I created a view on SQL server which has information which I need to populate and linked that view to Public Calendar. ( the view has about 15000 records and the key is composite from 2 fields in one of original tables...)
I do not need to update sql data from calendar!
After complete mapping and load all (which takes around 40 min) all event was populated in calendar.

Now I need to synchronize SQL data changes with calendar entries and that future does not work!

It is inserting all records everytime I run synchronization ( I scheduled synchronize every 60 min)

How I can solve that problem?

Thank you Grigoriy
GeniusConnect documentation search (User Manual Downloads...)
"It is inserting all records everytime I run synchronization"
This is strange, something is wrong with your prim. key definition.

Can try to select only one Outlook item and hit "Load Item" button on the toolbar.

(please be sure the folder option "Only insert and do not update Outlook items" is OFF).
Where I can find
""Only insert and do not update Outlook items" is OFF" ?

I changed on Assign table/folder options/outlook item delete
now it is checked "Delete outlook item when database record deleted"
and unchecked "delete all oulook items before load all"

Now I did run Load Item and did not see any dublicate

Did you try also "Load All"?

Is GeniusConnect asking to delete items?

The "Delete option" will delete Outlook Item if GeniusConnect thinks the db record has been deleted from DB.

But are you sure this is your case? Are the records really deleted or is the primary key continue changing/something wrong?!

What I mean is: the Delete option makes the problem only invisible.