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If you had installed /uninstalled multiple versions of Office / Outlook you may encounter the following error message during Outlook start :

Error create Outlook.Application HRES: -2146959355
Error create Outlook.Application HRES: -2147319779
Error create Outlook.Application HRES: 0x8002801D

The following should help correct this issue:
Please Note:
THIS IS A MICROSOFT BUG and any use of this information is at the user's own risk.

Step #1

1. Access the registry via Start, Run, Regedit, enter.
2. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interface\{00063001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\TypeLib
3. You should find a 'default' entry with the value '{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'
4. You should find a 'version' entry with the number '9.X'.

entry number:
Outlook 2000: 9.0
Outlook 2002: 9.1
Outlook 2003: 9.2
Outlook 2007: 9.3
Outlook 2010: 9.4
Outlook 2013: 9.5
Outlook 2016: 9.6

If not, change the version to correct 9.X

Step #2

1. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
2. delete any wrong key "9." DO NOT DELETE the entry for the version that is currently installed.
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Warning STEP 2: The key that must be deleted depends on Office version!

Delete the version keys (e.g. 9.5) for any version of Outlook that is not installed on your system based on the version table provided below. For example, if you are not using Outlook 2013 then remove the "9.5" entry. If you are not using Outlook 2010 then remove the the "9.4" entry. DO NOT DELETE the entry for the version that is currently installed.

Outlook | Version
Outlook 2000: 9.0
Outlook 2002: 9.1
Outlook 2003: 9.2
Outlook 2007: 9.3
Outlook 2010: 9.4
Outlook 2013: 9.5
Outlook 2016: 9.6