Riendeau, William
  •  wrr
  • New Topic Starter
I have checked the FAQ and have only come up with part of the answer on this one.

This is the situation -> Sync to local database is complete.
Updates are done on a table that is not the syn table -> updates are approved through a person with authority to read the updates.

Updates are then pushed to the linked table.

I want to do a sync from that point - the issue (and i may be looking at this wrong) is if i always do the sync by running the executable with order of push then pull I overwrite my "overwrites"

What i am looking to do =>

I would like to run an executable that pushes the data from outlook (to have the latest info) - update the fields that are to be updated (MS Access process)
Then run a second batch process that uploads the info back into Outlook.

I am hoping that this makes sense. The issue seems to be timing - i did try to do the update based on time stamp but did not get that to work either.

Thank you

PS - outlook is verson 2003 (on the system i am working on)
Genius Connect is Product edition:4-2000 Outlook version

Bill Riendeau
GeniusConnect documentation search (User Manual Downloads...)
if you are using 2 different folders you can configure the order: first "Store All" direction on the Folder 1, then "Load All" on the folder 2.
Riendeau, William
  •  wrr
  • New Topic Starter
It is all in one folder - the items being stored and loaded are the contacts. Can i setup 2 folders pointing to the same information(contacts)


Bill R.
Ok, if it is one folder, use Store All/Load All . (use insert/update Trigger to trigger your procedure changing the data after insert/update)
Riendeau, William
  •  wrr
  • New Topic Starter
I must not be clear in my explination I apologize for that.

This is the process

on January 1 an update to the local linked table is completed by Sync to the database. This table is then copied to a local table as a lookup table.

Changes to the database are completed January 1 - 9 - these changes go to a change / update table

Changes are approved on January 10

The person now wants to do the updates to the fields that are updated in the system. they hit a button.

the button does the following (in theory)

Step 1 is to update the information that is in the local linked table (this way they can have the most up to date info in the system and i don't overwrite changes that have happened in outlook directly over the previous week)(this is a push from outlook only - not a sync)

Step 2 is to apply the changes only to the linked table

Step 3 is to then pull the data (from outlook) and update outlook.

As you can see from he above I am looking to be able to do a Store or a load based on an executable but only do one and then do the other not both every time if possible.

Thank you for your help on this issue.


we have no solution to create a schedule for first "Store All" and later based on executed batch, Load All.
If you are using MS Exchange, you can install GeniusConnect on 2 PC's/profiles, on the same Folder.
Then create a scheduler for install 1 with only "Store All", and scheduler with "Load All" on install 2.

You can use "extern scheduler" option on install 2, and run GCScheduler.exe from you batch after the changes are done.

An other option (more difficult) will be changing dynamically the values in registry (from some batch) for scheduler direction.
So before you run "extern scheduler", you will have to change the direction.
The sync direction is stored in:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Genius@Work\GeniusConnect\Folders\<Entry ID>\SyncDirection
1=Store All
0=Load All

Please see topic:

for running of GCScheduler.exe
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