I am using Genius Connect to link between Outlook Contacts and an MS Access database. After synchronization, the email addresses in the MS database have all been changed from the normal SMTP format to a different format, which looks like this:

c=US;a= ;p=FDA;o=FDA;s=Bland;g=Roger;

This appears to be a X400 email address which has been picked up from the Global Address List in MS Exchange (they are set up automatically when a new recipient is added, but never used). However, the normal SMTP address continues to display as normal in Outlook. It only happens to records whose email addresses are also in the Global Address List.

Why does this happen and how can I get Genius Connect to synchronize the correct email address?

Thanks for any help,

GeniusConnect documentation search (User Manual Downloads...)

this is default Outlook behavior, GeniusConnect has no influence on how Outlook / Exchange deal with email address.
We will check MS Exchange documentation if it is possible to change this behavior.
Exchange administrators with POP3 or IMAP users who won't or can't use LDAP have asked whether it's possible to extract the SMTP addresses from the Global Address List and distribute them in some portable format. (You may have noticed that GAL entries added to Outlook contacts resolve to the Exchange X.400 address, not the SMTP address.) We suggest several methods below. 
http://www.webservertalk...e128-2006-3-1440614.html  :
If you are runnig Exchange 2000 or higher in native mode, you don't need
the X.400 address anymore. The reason it was there was because in Exchange
5.5, all internal routing was handled by X.400 address rather than SMTP. In
Exchange 2000, all internal routing is handled by SMTP so you can safely do
away with it. Just unchceck the box for the X.400 address in your recipient
policies and then have the recipient update services update/rebuild all the
email stamsp on your AD users.

*use at your own risk. What I'm saying is true, but only you know your
network and only you are responsible for it.