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Important: You need to have full access rights on the mailbox you wish to add to your profile. To get full access permissions, go to the Control Panel as the administrator, click on the user you wish to view and then click on Permissions. Make sure your user is added as having full access.

In Outlook 2007:

1.On the Tools menu, click Account Settings.
2.Highlight Microsoft Exchange under the e-mail tab.
3.Select the change button.
4.Select the More Settings button.
5.Select the Advanced tab.
6.Click the Add button and type in the e-mail address of the mailbox that you would like to add to your exchange profile.

Note: You need access permission assigned to the top folder (the mailbox itself), as well as each individual folder of the mailbox you add.

In Outlook 2003:

1.On the Tools menu, click E-Mail Accounts.
2.In the E-Mail Accounts dialog box, click View or change existing e-mail accounts, and then click Next.
3.Click Microsoft Exchange Server in the service box, and then click Change.
4.For the Exchange Server Settings, click More Settings.
5.On the Advanced tab, click the Add button.
6.In the Add Mailbox box, type the name of the mailbox owner.
7.Click OK twice.

Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, MS Exchange 2007
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Important: You need to have full access rights on the mailbox you wish to add to your profile. To get full access permissions, go to the Control Panel as the administrator, click on the user you wish to view and then click on Permissions. Make sure your user is added as having full access.

1.Open Outlook.
2.Click on File.
3.Under the Info header, click on the Account Settings button and then on the Account Settings tab.
4.Click on Change.
5.Click the More Settings button.
6.Click on the Advanced tab and then click on Add.
7.Enter the email address of the delegated mailbox in the Add mailbox field.
8.Click on Apply and then on OK. Outlook will now be busy accessing the other mailbox’s data, so this may take a while.
9.Back on the Change Account window, click on Next and then on Finish.
10.Close the Account Settings window. You should now see both mailboxes in your Outlook profile.