GeniusConnect (Build 5)
DB Change Detection
-Thread execution logic has been changed
-Set Max. number of simultaneous SQL execution for DB Detection threads.
You MUST restart Outlook when changing this value!
Be careful when changing the value, you can cause database deadlocks!
Path: HKEY HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Genius@Work\GeniusConnect\Settings\AdminOptions
Key: MaxDBDetectExec
Value: This value must be greater than or equal to one (1 decimal)
Handling empty mandatory char,varchar columns during INSERT,UPDATE
-geniusconnect will use an empty string '' instead of NULL value
when Outlook column value is an empty string
To use this feature:
-Make sure the column is specified in Mandatory Keys dialog as 'Mandatory' (you can ignore the warning about empty SQL Statement)
To use old behavior (using NULL values for empty character values):
-Remove the column from Mandatory Keys dialog
-Hidden feature
Path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Genius@Work\GeniusConnect\Folders\<Folder EntryID>
Key: SubmitAfterInsert
Value (decimal): 0(=default)or 1(=Submit for sending)
When synchronizing a Mail Folder, GeniusConnect will submit the Mail item for "Sending", instead of Saving it in the folder.
This is an unsupported feature! You can use it, but we will not support any problems caused by using this feature.
-Pressing Escape in another application causes GeniusConnect to display "Do you want to Abort" MessageBox.
-Item Attachments page (Assign Table Dialog) not activated after "Table must be selected" error message.