Linked Outlook items: Home Address, Home Address City, Home Address State, Home Address Street, Home Address PO Box, Home Address Postal Code.
These fields are linked seperately to Access fields, but within access these fields are added to create complete address for the "Home Address" field, as below:
The Outlook Home Address field is in Acesss a statement adding some of the above fields, so that a complete street is created from the parts - house #, street name, street type, street direction, apt #. Example: 250 N. Fry Place, Apt 10 - consists of separate fields - 250- N. - Fry - Place- Apt 10 - However in Contact the Home Address field shows these street components correctly, but substitutes instead of State, City, & Zip, the Country, which had not been defined.
I have fixed this problem. Apparently the Outlook "Home Address" field should not be mapped. Outlook compiles the home address field from street, city, state, and postal code. The fix was to change the mapping of my street expression, the compilation of #, street name, apt, etc., from "home address" to "home address street".
Re: the SQL primary key: I created an SQL, but still get message that the primary key is linked to a visible outlook field, and that the user could change the primary key leading to inconsistent results. So to what field should the primary key be mapped?
Options: Are grayed below sychronize private items, Sychronize tab is completely grayed. Single user license, fully registered.