We get alerts emailed to us and would like to parse them (the body of the message always follows a particular format) and create tasks in Outlook and our db. I don't think GC does this but wondered if somehow it might, or if there was a product you'd recommend. We're a small company and are looking for something pretty cheap, if such a thing exists. We've seen people use email2db but it's a little pricey for us.

Thank you.
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To do this, you have to implement these steps:

-Store the email to db automatically (Assign Table->Options->Auto Save )
-Implement an Insert tigger on you email table to parse the body
-Inside the trigger, insert a task into a Tasks table
-implement DB detection stored procedure (See help topic: Database change detection ) to load the task automatically to Outlook
or use a scheduler to Load the tasks to Outlook
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