Bob Rowe
I am testing your software.... I would like to update Outlook with records from my database, but never have Outlook update the database (one-way). I see this is possible. How complicated can the quieries be? I am happy to just create a non-updatable query for Viewing in Outlook. Can this be done?

I have tested a basic query and linked the table to Outlook and sucessfully mapped the drives. However, when the status window completes it shows that 0 records updated/0 records added every time.

What is going on?
GeniusConnect documentation search (User Manual Downloads...)
"I am happy to just create a non-updatable query for Viewing in Outlook."
If you need only one way synchronisation (Database->Outlook) you do not need any query.
Just link fields from your table to Outlook Fields and specify the Primary key (button Mandatory keys), ignore the SQL statement field/warning.